Feedback & Fidelity in Design March 10, 2013 A lot of hours can be wasted when feedback and the stage at which the design process itself is, are not calibrated. Some thoughts and perspectives on how to avoid those from both sides of the table.
Increasing Value August 15, 2012 A simple but generally applicable way of thinking about the correlation between value of a product and number of people who use it.
Mediocrity July 9, 2012 A gentle reminder to pause and take a step back to evaluate the value and quality of the work that we do. In the race to create things faster, are we simply promoting mediocrity in the name of new?
Opinions in Design May 22, 2012 Some afterthought on a Quora answer by Louis Mantia on why he left Square. Looking more at the value of opinions in design and the value of products that carry the opinions of the creators.
The sweet spot of personal search May 14, 2012 Over time as more and more people start using web apps and services in the cloud, there needs to be a good way to search through all of that as and when needed and also make sense of it. Most of us refer to this domain as Personal Search, others ...