Content in a digital era August 26, 2012 Let's talk about content in the digital realm. Not just news but content at large. Imagined, written and discussed. How people discover content, consume it, and eventually what they do post-consumption.
Increasing Value August 15, 2012 A simple but generally applicable way of thinking about the correlation between value of a product and number of people who use it.
Digital Scarcity August 11, 2012 Some thoughts on scarcity of honest interactions amidst the abundance of digital interactions. Have we lost the meanings of like, love and favorite? Do digital interactions enable new feelings previously non existent?
Interface Inspiration July 24, 2012 A quick read on the oft debated difference between imitation and inspiration pointing to one of my favorite talks by Cameron Moll on this issue.
The sweet spot of personal search May 14, 2012 Over time as more and more people start using web apps and services in the cloud, there needs to be a good way to search through all of that as and when needed and also make sense of it. Most of us refer to this domain as Personal Search, others ...
Inventing on Principle April 8, 2012 Bret Victor talks about the value of creating things based on principles. While this talk is a precursor to many more around the principles of how programming can be made better by being more interactive, this talk also touches on one of the philosophies I like to live by.
Dopey Ideas March 26, 2012 It is easy to say that ideas are worth nothing. But that would be as bad as saying ideas are all that matter. There is a place of great importance for execution. But that does not necessarily mean ideas are useless.
Svbtly Obtvse March 23, 2012 Does our work remain ours, once it is out there? Is any idea original at this point? Everything is a rehash, a remix of what came before us. What's new and what's an imitation?